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Station 2 Bid Information








All bidders are to have their bids in sealed envelope with a precise statement on the outside stating:  "Bid of [insert name of bidder] submitted in response to “Kuna Rural Fire District Solicitation for Bid Notice No. 2025-01" and delivered to the District’s Secretary Krystal Hinkle as follows:

·                  via U.S. mail to PO Box 607 Kuna, Idaho 83634 with a post mark date no later than 3rd day of February, 2025, or

·                  Hand delivered at 150 W. Boise St. Kuna, Idaho 83634 during regular office hours 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday on or before 4:00 p.m. on the 7th day of February 2025; or

Bids received after the deadline will be returned to the bidder unopened and will not be considered. 

2.         DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AND FACILITY TO BE CONSTRUCTED:   The project involved in the construction of Kuna Rural Fire District Fire Station No. 2 located at 2021 W. Kuna Rd., Kuna, Idaho 83634 as specified in the bid documents (the “Fire Station Project”) which are in the possession of Krystal Hinkle, District Secretary via email at, or Dennis Lee Taggart of Encompass Incorporated (the “Architect”) at 436 W. Broadway Ave. Meridian, Idaho 83642-2529, 208-344-8800,  Plans will be available from the office of the Architect. Contract Documents will be available to download in digital format at no cost.  It will be the contractor's responsibility to make hard copies of any documents.

3.         BID SPECIFICATIONS AND FORMS: The bid documents include the Bid Procedures, forms, bid opening date, & contractor qualification forms. The bid documents for submitting a bid are available at the offices of the District’s Secretary Krystal Hinkle via electronic delivery method at,. or from the Architect at  All bids must be submitted on the form provided by the Fire District. Additional material to clarify and support a bid may be submitted provided the material is contained in a sealed envelope marked: “Supplemental material to Bid of ____________ submitted in response to “Kuna Rural Fire District Bid Notice No. 2025-01” and filed by the required date and time.   

4.         Bid Documents:  It is the intent of the bid documents to describe the work required to complete this Project in sufficient detail to secure comparable bids.  All parts of work not specifically mentioned which are necessary in order to provide a complete installation shall be included in the bid and shall conform to all Local, State and Federal requirements.  Bid costs will be evaluated on the base bid only.

5.         Bid Document Questions:  Any questions concerning the interpretation of the bidding documents, the drawings, specifications or other Contract Documents or otherwise concerning the bidding procedures of the work to be performed in relation to the Kuna Rural Fire District Fire Station No. 2 building project shall be addressed and directed to the Architect, Dennis Lee Taggart Architect at Encompass Incorporated 436 W. Broadway Ave. Meridian, Idaho 83642-2529, 208-344-8800 or by email to

6.         No Pre-Bid Walk Through:  There will be no pre-bid walk-through for general contractors to bid this project.

7.         IDAHO QUALIFIED LICENSE PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENT:  Bidders are required to hold a current valid public works contractor class Unlimited.

8.         BID BOND REQUIRED: The bid must be accompanied by cash, or a certified check, or a bid bond, or a bank letter of credit payable to Kuna Rural Fire District in the sum of Five Per Cent (5.0%) of the amount of the bid price. This guarantees to the Fire District that the successful bidder will deliver in accordance with the specifications. Upon delivery, the cash, check, or bid bond will be returned to the bidder as set forth above in this notice. If the successful bidder fails to execute the public works construction contract, the amount of that bidder's security shall be forfeited to the Fire District and the proceeds shall be deposited in the fund out of which the expenses of preparation and printing of the publication, notice, and bid specifications are made.  The Fire District may, on refusal or failure of the successful bidder to execute the public works construction contract, award it to the next lowest responsible bidder.  In that event the amount of the lowest responsible bidder's security shall be applied by the Fire District to the difference between the lowest responsible bid and the next lowest responsible bid, and the surplus, if any, shall then be returned to the lowest bidder if cash or check is used, or to the surety on the bidder's bond if bond is used.  

9.         BIDS SUBMITTED CAN NOT BE WITHDRAWN AFTER THE TIME SET FOR OPENING: Any bid received by the Fire District may not be withdrawn after the time set in the notice for the opening of bids. 

10.       BID OPENING AND EVALUATION:  All bids received will be opened the 10th day of February, 2025 at the hour of 11:00 a.m. in the Chief’s Office at Kuna Rural Fire District Station No. 1 at 150 W. Boise St. Kuna, Idaho 83634 by the Fire Chief together with the Fire District Secretary who shall read all bids aloud and keep a record of the opening of the bids. No person will be denied the right to be present for the opening of the bids. All bids will be evaluated by the Dennis Lee Taggart of Encompass Incorporated for recommendation to the Board of Commissioners of the Fire District. The decision of the Board of Commissioners will be presented in an open meeting and within 28 days of the bid opening.

11.       RESERVATION OF THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS: The Fire District Board of Commissioners reserves in its discretion the right to reject any and all bids presented and to waive any irregularities or informalities in any bid or in the bid process and/or to re-advertise. If two (2) or more bids are the same and the lowest responsible bids, the Board of Commissioners may accept the one it chooses. 

12.       THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER SHALL EXECUTE A CONTRACT within thirty (30) days of the date of notice of award.

13.       Owner Investigation:  Before a contract will be awarded for work contemplated herein, the OWNER will conduct such investigation as is necessary to determine the performance record and ability of the apparent low bidder to perform the size and type of work specified under this Contract.  Upon request, the bidder shall submit information deemed necessary by the OWNER to evaluate the bidder’s qualifications.

14.       Written Objections:  Written objections to specifications or bid procedures must be received by the Secretary or the Architect of the Fire District at least one (1) business day before the date and time upon which bids are required to be received.


                                                           By: Krystal Hinkle, Secretary

                                                            Kuna Rural Fire District                


Bid Notice 2025-01Bid Procedure 2025-01Construction Contract Bid 2025-01.pdfBid Form 2025-01.pdf